East Hampton Trustee
Susan has spent most of her life on the East End, where she raised her son, Walker. She now lives in the Northwest Woods with her husband Paul and their Bearded Collie dog, Kezar Love.
For almost 40 years, Susan has familiarized herself with the natural beauty and environmental uniqueness that makes East Hampton so desirable for year-round residents as well as our second homeowners.
- Collaborated with the Town to achieve a beneficial Community Host Agreement regarding the South Fork Wind Farm project
- Working with Suffolk County Vector, NYS, and various environmental organizations to rehabilitate and restore Accabonac Harbor saltmarsh
- Created a new user-friendly Trustee website that offers important community information: ehtrustees.com
- Established an Accabonac Harbor mosquito larvae monitoring program
- Enlarged Georgica Pond’s water quality program, in partnership with Friends of Georgica Pond, the Village of East Hampton and The Nature Conservancy
- Expanded Sag Harbor’s water quality monitoring program, in partnership with Southampton Trustees and Sag Harbor Village
- Proactively pursued a long-term water quality improvement program for Wainscott Pond
- Promoted public beach access
- Collaborated with Cornell’s Marine Program in annual horseshoe crab spawning study
- Spearheaded the East End and Suffolk County’s ban on the intentional release of balloons—now in NYS Senate and Assembly.
- Serving on Trustee Committees for Education, Aquaculture, Beaches, Lazy Point/Napeague, Records/ Social Media/Website
- Trustee liaison to the Suffolk County Single-Use Plastic Task Force, and the Town’s Water Quality Technical Advisory Committee (WQTAC), and Energy Sustainability & Litter Committee
- Championing a reduction in mosquito pesticide treatment for the last 4 years in a program sponsored by Suffolk County Vector Control.
- Participates in the Shellfish Hatchery oyster farming program to grow oysters in Napeague Bay for the benefit of the fisheries and clean waters
Susan McGraw-Keber is endorsed by the Democratic Party.